Friday, April 27, 2012

LOOK OF THE DAY:Rock that Turban!

Yesterday was just one of those days.  I'm sure you've all had them. when you just want to throw on any comfy thing and go, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to road test my new 40s style glamour turban !! It was a very chilled out day ( unlike all the crazy days that I had this week) the day was wrapped up with a yummy BBQ at my friend's house the only missing part was the Bread roll & the hot dog bun we couldn't find it in the nearby grocery so we had to get the mini tiny buns  & spent an entire dinner cutting the beef to fit into the mini buns  ..
Hope you have all had fab weekend and don't have the Saturday blues too much! (Our weekends are thursday & Friday)

امس كان من الايام اللي بس ودي اتسدح و اتبطح ثم اتقلب و ارجع اعيد نفس السيناريو طول اليوم.. و طبعن  السيناريو يتضمن لبس اي شي مريح وفي عبارة اخرى اي شي قدامي في الدولاب.. و بما اني فرحانة بالتربان الجديد فكان هو الزي الرسمي في الويكيند البسه مع اي شي يصلح او ما يصلح اهم شي اني سعيدة .. اه ليت كل الايام اجازة احس السما لونها غير في الاجازة حتى الموية طعمها يصير الذ .. اتمنى للجميع يوم سبت خفيف على القلب سريع خالي من النكد و المنغصات :)

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